Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Disposal plumbing problems and don't put that down the drain

Customers don't want to hear it but I always tell them. Don't put anything down the disposal. It's not worth it. A great majority of the calls for clogged drains in a home come from the kitchen line and that is a grease issue. Wipe grease out of your pans out with a paper towel and throw that into the trash. Put all food waste into the trash. Never never never dump hamburger down the disposal. It's loaded with grease. All those fats,oils and grease collect within the pipe over time and cause problems. Sometimes they cause major problems. A heavy grease problem can't be cleared with an ordinary snake or cable. That means you'll have to have it hydro jetted and that won't be cheap. You think the disposal is a convienence but in the long run, if your using it instead of a trash can, it's going to cost you.
I use my disposal for the small scraps that get past me. That's it.
Now let me talk about the toilet as a disposal. I can't tell you how many times I find whole food in a sewer line overflow or backup. It amazes me. I've seen macaroni noodles, watermelon, the list goes on and on. The only way for that to get into the line is via the toilet. The toilet is not a disposal. Never put anything down the toilet but toilet paper and your business.
Don't put tampons, feminine napkins, baby wipes, kitchen wipes,dental floss or food down the toilet. They do not dissolve. They will migrate to the first turn or restriction and start a backup. I know the tampon packages say flushable but they're not going to reimburse you for the plumbing call. I had this one customer that had been dumping her cats litter box down the toilet. You can't rooter that out with a cable machine. It has to be Hydro jetted. It took us a couple of hours but we were literally able to pull a huge amount of that material out through the clean / out and onto the ground. It had to be about 10 to 15 pounds of material.

1 comment:

  1. ما تهتم به شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض هو البحث عن كيفة علاج مشاكل تسريبات المياه التي تطرأ علي المكان فجأة بواسطة اجهزة الكشف الحدية التي تستخدمها شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض والتي تسعي للوصول الي افضل النتائج المثالية القادرة علي حل هذه المشكلة بدون تدمير فالاعتماد علي الاساليب الحديثة يساعدكم في الحصول علي نتيجة مثالية في مصلحة العميل فنحن لا نكتفي بتقديم هذه الاعمال في مدينة الرياض فقط بلا لدينا الفنين المتميزة الذي يقدمون شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام التي تعمل علي حل مشكلة البيت بدون الاعتماد علي ا اساليب تقليدية التي تستخدما بعض مقدمي خدمة شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام فلا تتكايل بشأن هذه الاعمل بالذات لانه يحل لك الكثير من المشاكل
